Eager Loading is Bad, Bad…

Alireza Bonab
3 min readApr 9, 2023


In web applications, data management plays a crucial role in providing a seamless user experience. When dealing with a complex system, efficient data retrieval becomes even more essential. However, using eager loading as a solution to data retrieval can have its drawbacks. In this article, we’ll explore the challenges of eager loading and discuss alternative approaches to manage data more efficiently.

image by Mahsa Monshizadeh, #WomanLifeFreedom

Why Eager Loading Is Bad

Eager loading is a technique where an application retrieves all related data from the database at once, often resulting in a massive amount of data being transferred between the server and the client. While this approach may simplify front-end tasks, it can create several issues:

  1. Performance: Eager loading burdens the database, as it has to process complex queries and retrieve vast amounts of data in a single request. This can result in slow performance and increased response times.
  2. Bandwidth: Transferring large amounts of data can consume significant bandwidth, leading to slow loading times and a poor user experience, especially on slower internet connections.

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Alireza Bonab

Entrepreneur in Spirit, Engineer by Training, Adventurist by Nature